AJ Fernandez Bellas Artes Maduro
- Origin Nicaragua
- Wrapper Brazil
- Binder Mexican
- Filler Nicaragua
- Strength Medium-Full
AJ Fernandez is undoubtedly one of the most prolific cigar makers of the modern era. Raised in Cuba, he now operates 10 tobacco farms and 2 cigar factories in Nicaragua. Between these facilities, over 100,000 cigars a day are produced under his watchful eye. His true passion, and why he is able to produce such a wide variety of superior quality premium cigars, is the tobacco that he grows. Without quality materials, your product will never be exceptional. It is this philosophy that drives him to spend equal time between farms and factories. Each tobacco leaf must meet his high standards and each cigar must be expertly constructed. He takes great pride in his creations and would never attach his name to the end product if it didn’t.
The AJ Fernandez Bellas Artes Maduro is akin to taking in a beautiful work of art. It is expertly handcrafted, a site to behold, and the attention to detail is exquisite. Making a cigar named after Cuba’s museum of fine art, AJ Fernandez sought out unique tobaccos to create his blend. Beginning with Nicaraguan-grown tobaccos from his farms, the filler is topped with a Mexican San Andres binder leaf, and covered with a Mata Fina wrapper from Brazil. This exceptional blend is a rich, flavorful, and delicately balanced work of art. Tasting notes feature flavors of coffee, cocoa, and cream with hits of earth, citrus, pepper, and cedar. Bellas Artes Maduro just may be AJ Fernandez’s spectacular and interesting creation to date.