Alec Bradley Coyol
- Origin Honduras
- Wrapper Honduras
- Binder Honduras, Nicaragua
- Filler Honduras, Nicaragua
- Strength Medium
Alec Bradley Cigar Co. has a well-deserved reputation for churning out hit after hit to satisfy their loyal fans. It’s due in no small part to the meticulous attention to detail of the brand’s founder, Alan Rubin. But it wasn’t a quick and easy journey. He joined the premium cigar industry in 1996, but stumbled to find his footing for a while. He had a line of bundle cigars made in the Dominican Republic by Henke Kelnrer of Davidoff that was good, and he introduced the industry’s first (and only) triangular pressed cigars. Around 2005, he was told of a great little factory in Honduras called Raices Cubanas and traveled to see what the hype was about. It was this trip that altered the course of his company and set them on the path towards greatness. In 2007, they launched the Tempus line and established themselves as a serious player in the game. Two years later, working with the same factory, Alec Bradley introduced Prensado, and their legacy had been cemented as a world class cigar maker.
When Alan created Alec Bradley The Lineage, he selected some rare, well-aged tobaccos that he had been saving for a special occasion. He decided to dip into this reserve when his sons tipped their hat and indicated that they intended to join the family business after college. Using choice Honduran and Nicaraguan tobaccos for the filler and binder, this commemorative blend features a unique, special Honduran wrapper grown in the Trojes region. It’s expertly constructed and features smooth, well-balanced flavors of cedar and cream with hints of earth and salted caramel. The Lineage is the torchbearer of the Alec Bradley line embodying the passing of knowledge from generation to generation and a beautiful tribute from a father to his sons.