Arturo Fuente Don Carlos
- Origin Dominican Republic
- Wrapper Cameroon
- Binder Dominican
- Filler Dominican
- Strength Medium-Full
Few premium cigar companies have the respect and reputation that Arturo Fuente deservedly carries. From their earliest days they have followed the mantra of “Never Rush the Hands of Time.” Sounds nice, doesn’t it? But what does that have to do with premium cigars? Simply put, they will not make more cigars than they are capable of producing well. Production volume at the expense of quality does not exist in a Fuente factory. Since 1912, this reputation has allowed them to plot their own course and not bend to market pressure for more cigars. The Fuente portfolio is built of several core lines that include instantly recognizable names such as Gran Reserva, Hemingway, OpusX, Don Carlos, and in this case Chateau Fuente. Each line has a special meaning to the Fuente family, and each line is constructed with care.
The Arturo Fuente Don Carlos is a cigar that the Fuente family took an extraordinarily long period of time to determine which of their rare, vintage tobaccos should be blended to produce the Don Carlos blend. In every way possible, Carlos Fuente Sr. strived to attain the ultimate in rich flavor, flawless wrapper color and superior construction in each and every Don Carlos cigar. Today, cigar connoisseurs from all over the world, as well as thousands of serious American cigar smokers have acknowledged that Don Carlos is indeed outstanding and worthy of the title, Pride of the Fuente Family.