Asylum 13 Authentic Corojo
- Origin Nicaragua
- Wrapper Authentic Corojo
- Binder Nicaragua
- Filler Nicaragua
- Strength Medium-Full
Christian Eiroa of CLE cigars has a kind of side hustle in the cigar business. While he focuses most of his time growing his excellent CLE and Eiroa brands, he shows a bit of his dark side in a brand called Asylum. He created this brand as a separate entity from CLE/Eiroa with his longtime friend Tom Lazuka. Tom loved large, full body cigars and wanted to have a line that was all about those big ring beauties. Beyond that, when Tom traveled as a cigar salesman in the midwest, he noticed that big ring cigars were always out of stock and there wasn’t a large selection of them. When they created the Asylum line, they figured the bigger the better. They have cigars that go up to a gigantic 80 ring gauge. As the brand has evolved, they’ve added new versions of Asylum, and now they offer cigars as small as a 50 ring gauge too.
Building on the success of the Asylum 13 cigars, The Asylum team decided they needed to fill the void between their medium-bodied Asylum 13 cigars and the full bodied Asylum Straight Jacket cigars. Unsing the same Nicaraguan and filler blend as the Asylum 13 cigars, they changed the wrapper from a Nicaraguan Habano to an Authentic Corojo grown in Honduras. Palates were instantly delighted by the small change and the Asylum 13 Authentic Corojo was born. Expect a medium to full bodied profile with flavors of earth and cedar along with noted of pepper and a semi-sweet finish.