AVO Classic Maduro
- Origin Dominican Republic
- Wrapper Connecticut Broadleaf
- Binder Dominican
- Filler Dominican
- Strength Medium
The Avo line of premium cigars has its roots firmly planted before the cigar boom of the mid 90s. Like most good things, Avo cigars were born of a chance meeting between composer and entrepreneur, Avo Uvezian and master cigar maker Hendrik Kelner of Davidoff fame. The details of their first meeting in the Dominican Republic are a little fuzzy, but the two became close friends and developed a cigar together that bore Avo’s name. The 1st cigars were sold in 1987 in New York, and they quickly gained notoriety for their delicate, well balanced flavors. Uvezian approached blending like composing, understanding how different components affected the overall to finished product. Kelner worked hand in hand with him to bring his visions to life. He also convinced Avo to let Davidoff handle his distribution and eventually purchase the brand. Though Avo passed away a few years ago, the brand continues to create masterful blends that are well received.
You know who you are. You revel in it. Your style is unique. Your flavor... unforgettable. The music dances with the Classic Maduro in your hand. The wrapper, Aged 3 years, intensifies the smooth and creamy tobacco, delivering rich flavor from the first draw. A special cigar always makes it a special night. Made for those who mix things up wherever they go. Tasting Notes: A shiny, oily and veinless American Broadleaf wrapper is pleasing the eyes and sparking the appetite. The first third begins with creamy and milk chocolate notes, followed by a subtle spiciness in the retrohale. The body of the cigar is very elegant and strength level is medium. In the second third, cedar wood, mocha and roasted notes are evolving, providing an interesting combination on the palate. Beautiful white ash and a perfect draw are underlining the quality of the Avo Classic Maduro cigars.