I can't believe it's not Cuban: Folks, Bolivar cigars are back in a big way. The Bolivar Cofradia is taking the domestic premium cigar market by storm, boasting big flavor and high-octane strength, just like it's Cuban-counterpart. Get a box now from cigarking.com for up to 50% OFF while supplies last!
Bolivar, a brand rich in premium cigar history dating back to 1901, and bearing last name of the famous liberator of Southern America from Spanish rule, has created yet another potent blend for its line. Drawing inspiration from Simon Bolivar's bold and authoritative battle strategies, cigar industry legend Estelo Padron designed their newest creation to come out swinging.
Made in Honduras, Bolivar Cofradia combines Honduran and Nicaraguan long fillers with a Connecticut binder and wraps it up in a robust Connecticut Broadleaf wrapper creating a full-bodied profile filled with notes of hearty earth and spice, guaranteed to wow even the most seasoned aficionado. Solid construction and lengthy burn time round out the gratifying experience and make this the perfect addition to anyone's humidor.