Cuban Heirloom
- Origin Nicaragua
- Wrapper Varies
- Binder Nicaragua
- Filler Nicaragua
- Strength Medium
Cuban Heirloom Cigars were created exclusively by Nick Perdomo of Perdomo Cigars, and has been one of our top selling private labels since the early 2000's. Cuban Heirloom cigars live up to their name in every respect - quality, construction, and delicious taste. If you're looking for smooth, mellow flavor at a reasonable price point, you have to try Cuban Heirloom; only then will you understand why we ship countless Cuban Heirloom bundles out to customers around the world on a daily basis. Cuban artisans hand-craft these vitolas in the old-style Cuban tradition, using vintage leaf that's been aged at least three years. Rolled with top-grade, sleek honey gold-colored Connecticut wrapper and Nicaraguan-grown Criollo binder and filler, the Cuban Heirloom provides a superb smoking experience that rivals any boutique blend on our shelves!
Cuban Heirloom Connecticut - These cigars are mild to medium bodied in strength, with mellow hints of buttercream, cedar, and pepper. While some would characterize this blend as a "mild" smoke, the Cuban Heirloom Connecticut gives off rich and complex flavors, leaving a smooth and satisfying taste.
Cuban Heirloom Sun Grown - Rolled with rich, top-grade auburn-colored Rosado Sun Grown wrappers and Nicaraguan-grown binder and fillers, Cuban Heirloom Sun Grown cigars are Medium bodied in strength, and give off a robust flavor complexity. Expect distinct spice and pepper notes that mature into a sweet, full flavored smoking experience with a long and pleasant finish.