Brick House Maduro
- Origin Nicaragua
- Wrapper Brazilian Arapiraca
- Binder Nicaragua
- Filler Nicaragua
- Strength Medium-Full
The J.C. Newman Cigar Co. is the oldest continuously functioning cigar company in America. That’s right, they still mass produce cigars right here in the old US of A. 125 years ago, the family’s patriarch, Julius C. Newman began his company in the heartland of America, Cleveland, Ohio. In 1937 Newman launched the Brick House brand as an homage to his family’s home in Hungary. In 1954, they moved the factory from Cleveland to Ybor City, Florida where they remain today. Shortly thereafter, the Brick House brand was retired. In 2009, JC’s grandsons (Eric and Bobby Newman) decided it was time to revive their iconic brand and created a new blend in their new Nicaraguan cigar factory, and instantly became an overnight sensation and best seller.
The Brick House Maduro Mighty Mighty is made in J.C. Newman’s PENSA factory in Nicaragua where the bulk of the family’s premium cigars are manufactured today. To honor his family and heritage, J.C. modeled the Brick House label after his childhood home – the only brick house in their small, Hungarian village. Using a special blend of Nicaraguan tobaccos for the filler and binder, Brick House Maduro uses a beautiful Brazilian Arapiraca Maduro wrapper. Tasting notes include flavors of coffee, cream, and earth with hints of leather and pepper. The Brick House Maduro Mighty Mighty is another excellent addition to the Newmans’ portfolio of premium cigars.