The Cigar King Oro Cigar’s history is vast and rich, and begins with the Eiroa family’s legendary roots as the original blenders of the revered Camacho Cigar Brand. After Camacho was sold for big bucks, Julio Eiroa rocked the market with Aladino Cigars, a corojo “puro” blend that is everything we miss about “old school” cigars. Aladino uses a famous Cuban Corojo seed that is no longer used in Cuba, because it is now controlled by one man, Julio Eiroa! Julio uses this particular seed in his 100% corojo Aladino blends.
The Cigar King Oro uses this exact blend with three different wrappers than the original. If you want a mild, clean, and velvety creaminess with nuances of graham cracker spice, choose the Connecticut. To step it up to a solid medium, take the Habano route, and experience a brilliant mix of white pepper and baker’s spice, with a satisfying (but not intense) earthiness on the retrohale. On the Maduro you’ll see most of the earthiness and spice mellow out and transition into a nougaty caramel chocolatey sweetness.
The Cigar King Oro is a mild cigar on the Connecticut end, and a medium bodied stick on the Habano and Maduro end. These ligas are blended for cigar smokers looking for a great cigar with more flavor than strength. Buy them by the bundle and save big; you’ll only pay $4.25 per cigar!
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