Cigar King is more than just a cigar store; we're a family-owned group of cigar lovers with deep roots in the cigar industry. Since 1960, we've provided aficionados like you with the highest level of service and the best quality cigars and cigar accessories at unbeatable prices. With over 50 years in the industry, our philosophy remains unchanged: stock only the best cigars in the world, offer them at the best prices, and provide memorable customer service.
The Cigar King Way
At Cigar King, we have a unique way of selling cigars, watches, and luxury goods — no pressure, no gimmicks, just genuine passion for the product and creating satisfied customers.
With our laid-back approach and no sales guy hassling you to hurry up and buy, you can browse our humidors in peace. But, if you do need help, one of our cigar loving experts will be happy to answer any questions you may have. Whether you're a seasoned cigar smoker or new to the world of cigars, our cigar experts are always in-store and ready to help you find the perfect product to send you home happy.
Get the best cigars at Scottsdale’s best prices, order online or visit us at 7830 E. Gelding Drive in Scottsdale today.
The Cigar King Committment
We’re passionate about the products we sell here at Cigar King, that’s why our commitment to you is to provide the freshest cigars, the luxury best products seven days a week.
Our shelves are stocked with cigars and cigar accessories from the best names in the industry including AJ Fernandez, Davidoff, CAO, Drew Estate, Macanudo, Romeo Y Julieta Xikar and more.
If you’re not happy with a product we carry, simply bring or send it back unopened and with a receipt within the first 30 days of purchase. We’ll work with you to find a better product that will make you happier or we’ll give you your money back — it’s that simple.
Scottsdale’s Favorite Cigar King
Thank you for choosing Cigar King, where every cigar tells a story. Experience the difference for yourself and join our community of passionate cigar aficionados for a smoke at 7830 E. Gelding Drive in Scottsdale — we look forward to serving you and sharing our love for the leaf.
Hours & Location
Monday - Friday: 9am to 6pm
Saturday: 9am to 5pm
Sunday: 10am to 5pm
Phone Number
Local: 480-214-0238
Toll Free: 1-800-669-7167
Our Retail Store is located at at:
7830 E. Gelding Drive, Suite 100
Scottsdale, AZ 85260