Smoking a Cigar Outdoors? Here Are Some Tips

Posted by Cigar King on 31st May 2024

Smoking a Cigar Outdoors? Here Are Some Tips

Trust the Torch

This tip is simple – trust the torch! When you’re enjoying a stogie outside, there is no better way to light it than with a torch. Using a torch cuts out all uncertainty and variables when lighting a cigar outdoors, providing a steady, smooth flame each time. From single flame to triple flame and more, if you’re looking for a reliable cigar torch, you can find it here at Cigar King in Scottsdale.

Check out our lineup of cigar torches online or at our store in Scottsdale today!

Keep it Simple

When you’re enjoying a cigar outside, its best to avoid smoking that “special occasion” cigar or that hand-rolled Cuban you painstakingly procured. Why? Well,it’s simple – you can’t enjoy that stick to the fullest without enjoying the subtleties and aromas of it. If you light that incredible cigar up outdoors, your nose will be busy smelling your friend’s delicious BBQ and miss out entirely on the amazing aromas the cigar is giving off.

At Cigar King, we recommend smoking a cigar you’re familiar with if you plan to smoke outdoors. Don’t waste the special cigar on a time when you won’t be able to enjoy it. Now, that’s not to say you shouldn’t smoke a cigar you enjoy – you should always do that. Just go for one on the lower end of the “special” or “costly” spectrum if you’re going to enjoy it outdoors.

Don’t Let it Roll Away from You

Enjoying a nice stick like the Havana Soul is always a great experience enhancer when you’re on the boat or hitting the links. The problem is, you may need to put that stick down occasionallyand sometimes they go and roll away. The last thing you want is to put your favorite stogie down to unhook a nice largemouth bass, only to find bluegill sucking on your waterlogged stogie.

That’s why at Cigar King in Scottsdale, we tend to recommend box match cut cigars to our more adventurous customers. With the box press’s flat sides, you can easily put your cigar down while enjoying your favorite activity without ever having to worry about it rolling away on you. While this sounds like a simple problem to have, there is an even easier solution, so why not buy box press?

Find a box press cigar that matches you on our website or by visiting our store in Scottsdale today!

Think Generous, Have Fun

If you’re like many cigar smokers, chances are if you’reenjoying a cigar outside, you’redoing a fun, social activity with others. If that’sthe case, this tip was practically made with you in mind.

Bring extras! It’s that simple. When you plan to attend an event with others and plan to smoke a cigar, bring some extras. You never know who will want to partake with you, it could be a new smoker or a seasoned vet who just didn’t think to bring any. This tip is a great way to meet new people, learn more about cigars and most importantly – enjoy your cigar to the fullest.

If you love the social aspect of cigar smoking, you’ll love our store in Scottsdale. At Cigar King, we have a storefront location with an incredible selection of cigars, cigar accessories and a lounge to enjoy your favorite stick in. We even host events! Visit us today and get your social smoke on.

Visit Cigar King Today

Now that you know how to enjoy a cigar to the fullest outdoors, all that’s left is to do it! Get a box of your favorite cigars to enjoy outdoors right here at Cigar King in Scottsdale. From ourhouse-exclusive cigars to the biggest names in the industry like Drew Estates, Macanudo and more – we have one of Arizona's best selection of cigars to choose from.

Get incredible deals on your favorite sticks, order online or visit us in Scottsdale today!