Cohiba Black
- Origin Dominican Republic
- Wrapper Broadleaf Maduro
- Binder Dominican
- Filler Mexican, Dominican, Nicaragua
- Strength Medium-Full
Cohiba is one of the most well-known names in the cigar industry, and it may be one of the best-known luxury brand names in the world. Ask anyone who swims in the upper echelons of society and they will surely tell you that Cohiba is the pinnacle of luxury. So how does one create a new Cohiba blend for this marquee brand? Very carefully. The management team at Cohiba approach each new product in a way that befits the status of its name. Their commitment is to create new and exciting blends for the brand using the finest raw materials (tobaccos) available, at the best factories in the world, and they only use their best cigar rollers to produce these cigars. It is this commitment that ensures each Cohiba will be a special experience for those who choose to enjoy them as they continue to create new cigars worthy of the Cohiba name.
The Cohiba Black is the first Cohiba cigar produced with a broadleaf Maduro wrapper. Cohiba Black is crafted using a complex blend of Nicaraguan, Mexican, and Dominican filler tobaccos combined with Piloto Cubano sun grown Dominican binder. These great tobaccos combined with the Broadleaf Maduro wrapper make the Cohiba Black a cigar of outstanding quality and unparalleled richness. Cohiba Black is rich with flavors of espresso and earth with hints of cedar and cocoa. Cohiba Black is delicious medium to full bodied cigar for those looking for a ticket into the luxury lifestyle.