Crowned Heads Las Calaveras Edition Limitada

  • Origin Varies
  • Wrapper Varies
  • Binder Varies
  • Filler Varies
  • Strength Medium-Full

Back in 2011, a couple of alums of CAO set off on a path to create a new cigar brand called Crowned Heads. They burst onto the scene with some great cigars and a whole lot of deserved hype. The company was founded by the duo of Mike Conder and Jon Huber with a different philosophy than that of their previous employers. Rather than spending tons of money on advertising and fancy packaging, they chose to invest in quality tobaccos and partnerships with cigar factories with the hope of creating an authentic brand that consumers would flock to. It’s safe to say that their brand and way of cigar making has achieved the success that they had hoped for. Their blends have been well received over the years and have achieved a devoted following.

One of Crowned Head's first big, special releases was the Las Calaveras line which debuted in 2014. Las Calaveras is a nod to Días de los Muertos (Days of the Dead) celebrations in Mexican culture where people honor their family who have passed away. Each year since, Crowned Heads release a unique blend of the cigar and they also tinker with the color scheme of the release to ensure you don’t confuse it with one from years past. It has been widely successful!

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