Davidoff Dominicana
- Origin Dominican Republic
- Wrapper Dominican Hybrid
- Binder Ecuador
- Filler Dominican
- Strength Medium-Full
Davidoff is an iconic name in the cigar industry. They were the first true luxury brand in the cigar industry and are known for producing some of the best, high-quality, and consistent handmade cigars in the world. Their factories in the Dominican Republic are cathedrals to the craft and their tobacco stores are the envy of fellow manufacturers. It’s the company’s commitment to quality that drives them to regularly examine their work and adjust blends as necessary. Whether you grab a Davidoff today or 5 years from now, their process ensures that the cigars are remarkably consistent. It’s one of the many reasons why only a Davidoff is a Davidoff. Their cigars are truly timeless.
The Davidoff Dominicana Limited Edition pays homage to the brand’s adopted home of the Dominican Republic. You see, Davidoff cigars were originally produced in Cuba, but due to some disputes of quality and naming rights, the company severed ties with the Cuban government and moved production to the Dominican Republic in 1990. Since this move the Davidoff brand has grown by leaps and bounds to become one of the largest cigar companies in the world. This limited edition blend consists of 5 different Dominican filler tobaccos, an Ecuadorian Hybrid 151 binder, and a Dominican Hybrid 257 wrapper leaf. Many of the tobaccos used are from the 2014 harvest. Once rolled, the cigars rested for at least 12 months before being released. Flavors of pepper, oak, and cream are present along with hints of savory spices, leather, and dark chocolate. The Davidoff Dominicana has a deeply complex flavor profile.