Davidoff Winston Churchill The Late Hour
- Origin Dominican Republic
- Wrapper Habano Oscuro
- Binder Mexican
- Filler Dominican, Nicaragua
- Strength Medium-Full
Davidoff is an iconic name in the cigar industry. They were the first true luxury brand in the cigar industry and are known for producing some of the best, high-quality, and consistent handmade cigars in the world. Their factories in the Dominican Republic are cathedrals to the craft and their tobacco stores are the envy of fellow manufacturers. It’s the company’s commitment to quality that drives them to regularly examine their work and adjust blends as necessary. Whether you grab a Davidoff today or 5 years from now, their process ensures that the cigars are remarkably consistent. It’s one of the many reasons why only a Davidoff is a Davidoff. Their cigars are truly timeless.
Calling all whiskey lovers! The Davidoff Winston Churchill Late Hour Churchill is a rich and flavorful cigar that should be on your radar. Davidoff’s master blenders begin with two types of Dominican tobacco paired with Nicaraguan tobaccos aged in single malt scotch casks for the filler. It is bound together using tobacco from San Andreas Mexico, and is topped with a dark & oily Ecuadorian Habano-Marron Oscuro wrapper. This is one super flavorful, rich, and complex cigar that earned a 92 rating in Cigar Journal magazine!⠀You won’t be disappointed in this medium to full-flavored smoke. Expect notes of black coffee, dark chocolate, and woods in the flavor with hints of leather, pepper, and malted grain.