Diamond Crown Julius Caeser
- Origin Dominican Republic
- Wrapper Ecuador Habano
- Binder Dominican
- Filler Dominican
- Strength Medium-Full
In celebration of J.C. Newman Cigar Company’s 100th Anniversary in 1995, Stanford Newman joined Carlos Fuente, Sr., to develop an exceptional series of Super Premium cigars. Stanford dreamed of making the best cigar in the world with no regard for how long it would take or how much it would cost, his dream was realized in the Diamond Crown cigar. For its 110th Anniversary, the Diamond Crown Maximus was introduced as a complementary cigar to the milder, smoother Diamond Crown Classic. They followed the same path, creating an exceptional cigar regardless of cost, made by their partners at Tabacalera A. Fuente, and blended by Carlos Fuente. It features a full flavored profile that was expertly constructed and is remarkably smooth.
The Diamond Crown Julius Caeser is a tribute to J.C. Newman Cigar Co’s patriarch and founder, Julius Caeser Newman. As with all Diamond Crown cigars, it is the fruit of the partnership between the Newman and Fuente families. They worked closely to develop this blend and ensure it was worthy to bear the Diamond Crown name and that of their founder. Rolled with the utmost care and precision at Tabacalera Fuente in the Dominican Republic, the blend features five year old aged Dominican filler and binder tobacco along with an Ecuadorian Havana wrapper. Sophisticated flavors and notes abound in this medium bodied and elegant cigar. Expect a lovely and well balanced complexity of flavors that feature notes of coffee and woods along with hints of sweetness, nuts, and savory spices. Not many companies have the longevity of J.C. Newman, but it’s wonderful to see this family owned business continue to grow and thrive.