Indulge in a smoking experience that is steeped in the rich heritage of a generational cigar company. With every puff of the E.P. Carrillo Pledge of Allegiance cigar, you not only honor the craftsmanship and passion of Carillo family but also become part of a timeless tradition that celebrates the art of cigar making.
This limited-edition cigar honors the founding of the United States with its patriotic red, white, and blue packaging and storied background. Crafted by renowned cigarmaker Ernesto Perez-Carrillo, who emigrated from Cuba to the U.S. as a child, this star-spangled cigar blends a dark Connecticut broadleaf wrapper with an Ecuador Connecticut binder and premium fillers from Nicaragua, the Dominican Republic, Pennsylvania, and Connecticut. Available in a 6x54 Toro and a new 6 3/4x64 Salomon shape, each cigar offers a medium-to-full-bodied smoke. With production limited to 1,776 numbered Toro boxes and 248 Salomon boxes, secure your piece of history today!