Gurkha Grand Reserve Cognac Collection
- Origin Dominican Republic
- Wrapper Connecticut Shade
- Binder Dominican
- Filler Dominican
- Strength Mild-Medium
Steeped in legend and history, the Gurkha Cigar originally created more than a century ago, was reborn in 1992. They were known for their meticulously and artisanally handcrafted cigars, and when the brand was revived, they carried those same ideals into the packaging. These new cigars would create what was one of the world’s first super premium cigars. Elegance and luxury are the new hallmarks for the Gurkha brand. Each blend to bear the name is exceptionally crafted using the finest tobaccos and packaged with care using the finest quality packaging in the industry. Their beautiful looking cigars and packaging draw you in, but it’s the flavors and quality of the tobacco that keeps you coming back for more.
The flagship cigar of Gurkha. The bestselling cognac-infused cigar in the industry. A silky 5-year Connecticut wrapper with an aged 3-year binder and filler, packaged in a gorgeous glass tube. Rated 91.