Joya de Nicaragua Cabinetta
- Origin Nicaragua
- Wrapper Ecuador Shade/Nicaragua Criollo
- Binder Nicaragua
- Filler Nicaragua
- Strength Medium
Joya de Nicaragua has a reputation for making high-quality, very bold, and flavorful cigars using Nicaraguan tobaccos. In the 1970s, it was considered the finest brand in Nicaragua and possibly the world. For over fifty years, the company has continued their proud tradition of producing outstanding cigars, and their future is bright. The company’s 1st landmark product in the modern age of cigars was the Antano 1970. At launch, it was one of the strongest cigars in the world (and still packs quite a punch). While they have created several outstanding cigars since Antano, they have usually stuck with cigars that lean on the medium-to-full strength spectrum.
The Joya de Nicaragua Cabinetta is a wonderful new edition to the JDN Family. It is a medium bodied smoke that warms up nicely and build to a smooth medium plus finish. The first thing you'll notice about this delicious cigar is it's striking appearance. Separated by the band the top is wrapped in a Nicaraguan Criollo wrapper that extends half way down the cigar under the gorgeous shade grown wrapper. What's up with that? Well shade grown wrappers can sometimes be a little bitter when placed directly on your lips or tongue. But the Criollo wrapper has a slight sweetness and subtle spice when placed in the mouth. It's an interesting solution to an age old dilemma. Anyway, the JDN Cabinetta is a supremely smooth cigar that starts off at a light medium and builds to a nice round medium to full bodied finish. It's a cigar that you can smoke anytime of the day!