Nicaragua's oldest and one of it's most respected cigar factories is Joya de Nicaragua. They have crafted a reputation for creating cigars that are full-flavored and full-strength. Look at the Antano 1970 and Antano Dark Corojo if you need any convincing of this. Even their Cabinetta line if loaded with flavor and is medium to full in strength.
So how does a brand known for the bold bring new smokers into its fold? They created an everyday cigar that was mild-to-medium in strength but put an emphasis on creating a flavorful cigar that everyone could enjoy. And thus, the Joya de Nicaragua Joya Red was born.
Joya Red by Joya de Nicaragua is truly a cigar for the modern smoker. It offers a vibrant and extremely pleasant smoking experience you will enjoy anytime, anywhere. Joya Red uses a filler blend comprising of 3 types of Nicaraguan tobaccos (Jalapa, Condega & Estelí), a Nicaraguan binder, and a Nicaraguan Habana wrapper. Joya Red is a wonderful, mild-to-medium bodied cigar with complex flavors of nuts, roasted coffee, toast and hints of pepper. It's a wonderful smoke wothy of wearing the Joya de Nicaragua name.