Cigar History Revived With La Aroma de Cuba
Winston Churchill is well known to be a lover of great cigars. What better accolade could a tabacalera get than a heartfelt endorsement from such a great cigar aficionado. La Aroma de Cuba was a Cuban based manufacturer popular in the early part of the 1900's. Churchill was often quoted as saying they were one of his favorite cigars and his enjoyment of them helped the company rise in fame. Since then the original company has dissolved, but Ashton and the Garcia family of Nicaragua have revived the label and strives to make the same great cigars. After teaming up, Ashton and the Garcia's spent 18 months experimenting and went on to develop a blend the makers believe captures the flavor and character of the original cigar.
Ashton is a leader in the cigar industry. The company's founder strives to make the best cigars in the world following the tradition of the finest tabacalera's. They are widely known for their flagship line of cigars sold under the Ashton label and have now gone on to capture the history of La Aroma de Cuba. The rich and spicy blend of fine Nicaraguan tobaccos is wrapped in Connecticut broadleaf which lends deep chocolaty flavors to the smoke. The cigars are robust but compliment every aspect of life. These cigars come in a variety of sizes and Cigar King has every one. Each style is also available in five packs as well as boxes so you can mix and match cigars to fit your lifestyle.
La Havana de Cuba is only one of many finely crafted cigars offered Cigar King. Over the last fifty years the team at Cigar King has been able to assemble a collection of the finest cigars from the best makers through its network of skilled craftsmen and manufacturers. They have the experience and knowledge to bring the finest cigars at the best prices directly to your door. Each and every cigar is delivered fresh and humidified to the warehouse, and then delivered in exactly the same way to each customer. Satisfaction is their guarantee and it is one they stand by each and every day. For the best prices online for the best cigars, check out