La Aroma de Cuba Mi Amor
- Origin Nicaragua
- Wrapper Mexican San Andres
- Binder Nicaragua
- Filler Nicaragua
- Strength Medium-Full
La Aroma de Cuba roots date back to the late 1880s in Cuba, where the brand became an early favorite of Winston Churchill. In the midst of Cuba’s rebellion against years of Spanish conquest, Churchill arrived on the island in 1895 as an eager young lieutenant. There, the genesis of his brilliant military career and his avid passion for handmade cigars emerged. More than 120 years later, La Aroma de Cuba embraces an entirely fresh and prominent heritage in Nicaragua. Today, it is blended by legendary cigar-maker Jose ‘Pepin’ Garcia in Estelí, Nicaragua. Pepin’s foundation in Nicaragua is preceded by his extensive reputation in Cuba as a master blender. For decades, Pepin oversaw production of a number of Cuba’s most revered brands. Generations of meticulous cigar-making craft influence the unrivaled standards for flavor, aroma, and quality expressed in La Aroma de Cuba cigars.
La Aroma de Cuba has a new flavor in its latest release dubbed La Aroma de Cuba Mi Amor. The project took more than two years of development, but the result is something very special. Blended by Pepin Garcia and made at his Nicaraguan factory, the Mi Amor uses a blend of Nicaraguan grown filler and binder tobaccos and topped with a Cuban-seed Mexican grown maduro wrapper. A medium to full bodied smoke, La Aroma de Cuba Mi Amor is earthy with an incredibly complex range of flavors. These flavors range from cocoa to cashews and everywhere in between but finished off with a nice bit of black pepper. This is the best La Aroma de Cuba cigar yet!