La Gloria Cubana Serie S
- Origin Dominican Republic
- Wrapper Mexico
- Binder Nicaragua
- Filler Dominican, Nicaragua
- Strength Medium
La Gloria Cubana is a storied brand with a rich history, and it is recognized the world over as one of the finest premium cigar brands. The brand was reincarnated for American consumers by Ernesto Perez-Carrillo. In the mid 1990s, the brand developed a cult following and set them on a trajectory for success. The brand grew so quickly, in fact, that Perez-Carrillo opened a new factory in the Dominican Republic. With his meteoric growth during the cigar boom, he sold his brand and factory to General Cigar in 1999, but he continued to oversee the factory and blending for another decade before handing over the reins to his team and retiring (at least for some time). La Gloria Cubana continues to be a leader in the industry that produces distinct, Cuban-inspired blends that continue to captivate the hearts and minds of cigar smokers everywhere.