Montecristo Epic Vintage 12
- Origin Dominican Republic
- Wrapper Ecuador Sumatra
- Binder Dominican
- Filler Dominican
- Strength Medium
Montecristo is one of the most hallowed and recognized names in the world of premium cigars. The brand was created in Cuba in 1935, and the name for the brand was inspired by the Alexandre Dumas novel “The Count of Monte Cristo.” Legend has it this was a popular choice for the lectors in the factory to read to the torcedores on the factory floor. When the Cuban government nationalized the brand in 1960, the brand’s owners fled Cuba and eventually recreated the brand in the Dominican Republic for the American market. They skirted international trademark law by creating the brand for the US, as we still do not recognize Cuban trademarks here. This new Montecristo brand quickly established itself with US Consumers as a top tier cigar and continues to dominate the market today through a wealth of marks bearing the Montecristo name.
The Montecristo Epic Vintage 12 Blue began as a concept by Rafael Nodal of Montecristo’s in-house blending team Grupo de Maestros. His concept was to create a Montecristo Epic release that was not a one and done. He wanted an Epic that was a regular production line in small batches as the tobacco would allow. The 12 in the title refers to some of the Dominican fillers that were from a 2012 crop. Additional fillers from the Dominican Republic and Nicaragua were used too, along with a Dominican binder, and it’s topped with an attractive Ecuadorian Sumatra Seed wrapper leaf. Tasting notes include flavors of cream, cedar, chocolate, and pepper with hints of coffee, nuts, and earth. Like other Epic releases, this is one of those cigars that keeps you intrigued with its complexity.