Montecristo White Vintage
- Origin Dominican Republic
- Wrapper USA Connecticut
- Binder Dominican
- Filler Dominican
- Strength Mild
Montecristo is one of the most hallowed and recognized names in the world of premium cigars. With that kind of reputation and name recognition, introducing a new Montecristo requires not only careful planning, but a blend that continues to elevate the Montecristo brand to new heights. It’s this philosophy that drove Montecristo’s blenders to create the Montecristo White Series Vintage Connecticut Series to honor the brand’s past triumphs and glory. How do they do this, you may ask? It’s no easy feat. In this case, they began searching for special tobaccos worthy to be included in the Montecristo White Series Vintage Connecticut Series of cigars. When they sampled some USA Connecticut shade tobacco of supreme quality, they struck a deal to purchase exclusive rights to this tobacco for years to come. To make it even more special, they decided to age this wrapper extremely well, and the Vintage Series of Montecristo White was born.
The Montecristo White Series Vintage Connecticut is a delightful addition to the Montecristo portfolio. A brand known for luxury and quality; these cigars live up to the hype. It uses a blend of high-quality Dominican, Nicaraguan, and Peruvian fillers along with a Nicaraguan binder. Covering this blend is a well-aged Connecticut wrapper that is grown in the USA exclusively for Montecristo. These cigars are wonderfully elegant, smooth and make a great everyday smoke. With its golden, silky looking wrapper, the Montecristo White Series Vintage is a delectable mild to medium bodied cigar. It has a toasty aroma and flavors of cedar, leather, and cream with hints of sweetness on the finish.