My Father Flor De Las Antillas
- Origin Nicaragua
- Wrapper Rosado Sun Grown
- Binder Nicaragua
- Filler Nicaragua
- Strength Medium
On one hand you can count the number of cigar makers who arrived on the scene and changed the game. At the top of that very short list is Jose “Pepin” Garcia, and boy did he turn the industry on its ear. At the time, there was no one making cigars that captured the essence and flavor of Cuban cigars. His unique fermenting and blending style coupled with his small batch production in Miami quickly catapulted his cigars to the top of aficionados’ hit lists. With his well-deserved success, expansion was the only way to keep up with demand. He quickly established the My Father factory in Nicaragua and began to transfer production and expand his portfolio. One of the first big hits his new factory produced was the Flor de las Antillas and was his first blend to earn Cigar Aficionado’s prestigious Cigar of the Year award.
The name Flor de las Antillas translates from Spanish to Flower of the Antilles. It is Pepin’s homage to Cuba (the largest of the Antilles Islands) where he was born and raised. At 11 years old he began his life’s work in tobacco. He learned everything he could and eventually rose to be one of Cuba’s most respected cigar makers. Using the skills he learned in Cuba, Pepin set out to make his Flor de las Antillas in the tradition of a classic Cuban cigar using all Nicaraguan tobaccos. This may sound a bit unusual, but the result speaks for itself. Pepin combined a special blend of well-aged Nicaraguan tobaccos for the filler and binder. The wrapper is a Rosado Sun Grown leaf grown on a Garcia owned farm. Tasting notes include notes of coffee, nutmeg, and white pepper with hints of marzipan and cocoa. These cigars are delicious!