It seems like the show's barely started, and we’re already getting a curtain call from the higher-ups, telling us to stop all of the discounting- I’m talkin’ a piano-pummeling 70% Off Sticker Price! These flash sales have to be taken down soon, so don't delay; and believe me when I say, your local cigar shop pays more for their product than what I'm SELLING mine at to you- so don't feel guilty loading up on these deals, shop with Cigar King and save more!
Why blow every last cent of your hard-earned Do-Re-Mi on overpriced competitor picks when you can get a picturesque pumping of sub-wholesale hits directly from Cigar King’s Friday Great Hits Sale for as low as 70% off MSRP! If the sound of big discounts strikes a chord with your bank account, hit the checkout with FREE SHIPPING on any $150+ order you place now, before the fat lady sings. You have until 11:59PM tonight, be sure toshop this deal now before it disappears permanently!