Punch Gran Puro
- Origin Honduras
- Wrapper Honduran
- Binder Honduran
- Filler Honduran
- Strength Medium
Punch is one of those brands in the cigar industry that hardly needs an introduction. For years, they have been a leader in creating value priced premium cigars in Honduras that offer exceptional flavor. As a matter of fact, they were one of the first premium cigar brands to ever be made in Honduras. Though the look of their cigars have evolved over the years, their commitment to making great cigars that don’t break the bank has not changed. Each new iteration of Punch cigars consistently delivers on that ethos.
Punch Gran Puro burst onto the scene as one of the first Honduran puros and has since kept cigar lovers coming back for more of its big, round, satisfying taste and intriguing hints of sweet and spicy flavors. Identified by its signature white ash, this collection has been named a "Best Buy" by Cigar Insider.