Ramon Allones by AJ Fernandez
- Origin Nicaragua
- Wrapper Nicaragua Medio Tiempo
- Binder Nicaragua
- Filler Nicaragua
- Strength Full
AJ Fernandez is undoubtedly one of the most prolific cigar makers of the modern era. Raised in Cuba, he now operates 10 tobacco farms and 2 cigar factories in Nicaragua. Between these facilities, over 100,000 cigars a day are produced under his watchful eye. His true passion, and why he is able to produce such a wide variety of superior quality premium cigars, is the tobacco that he grows. Without quality materials, your product will never be exceptional. It is this philosophy that drives him to spend equal time between farms and factories. Each tobacco leaf must meet his high standards, and each cigar must be expertly constructed. He takes great pride in his creations and would never attach his name to the end product if it didn’t meet his standards.
As a proud Cuban-born individual, AJ Fernandez always jumps at the opportunity to recreate a famous Cuban cigar brand using his own tobaccos in his own factory. Truly, there are few things that get his creative juices flowing like this process. He appreciates the cultural implication of bringing these brands back to their former glory and spares no expense in their creation. Ramon Allones begins with a complex blend of six types of Nicaraguan filler and binder tobaccos grown on his farms. Topping the blend is a unique hybrid Medio Tiempo wrapper that he developed and also was grown under his watchful eye. Tasting notes include flavors of cedar, leather, and earth with hints of pepper, cream, nuts, and the slightest raisin sweetness. There doesn’t seem to be anything AJ Fernandez can’t blend well, and these Ramon Allones are exceptional.