Romeo y Julieta Reserve
- Origin Honduras
- Wrapper Nicaragua
- Binder Nicaragua
- Filler Nicaragua, Honduran
- Strength Medium-Full
One of the most recognized names in the cigar industry, Romeo y Julieta has a reputation to uphold. Established in 1875, this ever growing brand truly flourished throughout the 20th century. Sir Winston Churchill was perhaps the brand's most illustrious enthusiast, and the flagship vitola of the brand is named in his honor. Typically, a Romeo y Julieta is a medium bodied experience that is always pleasant. Over the last 20 years, the brand has extended its portfolio to incorporate more diverse blends and styles while remaining true to the brand's core values. Romeo y Julieta has and always will be a love story about premium, well aged tobacco.
The Romeo y Julieta Reserve s a medium to full bodied Romeo y Julieta. The Romeo y Julieta brand has always been known for being a quality cigar at a reasonable price. The Romeo y Julieta Reserve uses a special blend of well aged Nicaraguan and Honduran tobaccos for the filler and binder. It is topped with a medium dark brown and oily Nicaraguan wrapper. The Romeo y Julieta Reserve is a hearty smoke with deep flavors of leather and coffee with a spicey finish.