Saint Luis Rey Carenas
- Origin Honduras
- Wrapper Nicaragua
- Binder Honduras
- Filler Honduras
- Strength Medium
The origins of this cigar's name are cloaked in mystery. One theory is that a Thornton Wilder novel, "The Bridge of San Luis Rey," was the inspiration behind this smoke's moniker. Another is that it was named after the town of San Luis in the Vuelta Abajo tobacco region in Cuba, where these cigars were originally rolled.
Saint Luis Rey Carenas celebrates an encounter of two worlds – the Old and the New – with an extraordinary cigar that invites lovers of tradition to embark on a cigar experience that transcends time. Created by the Grupo de Maestros of La Flor De Copan, the Saint Luis Rey Carenas is a flavor-packed smoke of earthy spices and salty notes making this a solid medium-bodied cigar. The cigar offers an impeccably smooth draw with an oily Nicaraguan wrapper. These decadent sticks with their immaculate appearance invite adult cigar aficionados to take a trip back to the heritage of the Saint Luis Rey brand.