Tatuaje Fausto
- Origin Nicaragua
- Wrapper Ecuador Habano Maduro
- Binder Nicaragua
- Filler Nicaragua
- Strength Full
For close to 20 years, Tatuaje has delivered outstanding cigar after outstanding cigar. Their original brown label cigars nearly broke the industry when they debuted. For many it was the closest cigar one could get to a Cuban Montecristo (in the domestic market). The look, appearance, and flavor are all throwbacks to the world famous Montecristo No. 2. Every Tatujae cigar is made with the utmost care by Jose “Pepin” Garcia at his factories. Pete Johnson, the owner of Tatuaje Cigars, works hand-in-hand with Garcia to develop each new Tatuaje blend. Their relationship is tight, and Pete is often regarded as a member of the family. This strong bond is at the heart of every Tatuaje cigar. Each new cigar they blend and create together is unique and cubanesque. Each subsequent release brought more attention to the brand, and it has a devoted following that continues to drive the brand to new heights.
You can tell Fausto is a very different type of Tatuaje the second you pick one up. It doesn’t bear the script Tatuaje logo anywhere on the box or label. Instead, it utilizes a blocky standard font with the Fausto name in white front and center over a black and red band. This bold label combined with a devilish looking figure emblazoned on the box should give you a hint of what you’re in for. Fausto uses a rich blend of Nicaraguan tobaccos for the filler and binder core. A deep, dark Habano Maduro wrapper grown in Ecuador tops off this bold blend. It’s a powerful blend with thick flavors of pepper, earth and oak with hints of espresso and leather. Fausto is not for the faint of heart. It’s a dark, powerful cigar and should be enjoyed on a full stomach.